Version History
Release Notes update released January 3, 2025
New Features:
Interleave and Combine Weft - Documentation: Combine / Interleave Weft
Bugs Fixed:
Reed Sley Calculator - The entry for Dents 8 , pattern 3-3-4, fixed to calculate to 26.67 epi, 10.5 epcm.
Shift Right with Zoom 3 on TieUp Crash
Fix copy/paste ranges that would be off in some situations
There was an edit on the Tie-up Diagonal function that restricted the starting treadle to one less than the max...
Fixed issue where if you change the number of treadles in a draft, it did not see the new maximum treadles until the project is saved and reopened.
Interleave Warp improved Interleave Warp
Removed the jagged edges on the warp winding and Weft plan printout
Added Weft Color Plan to File Print Menu
Expanded drawdown area on very high resolution displays
Updated version system to use Year / Month / Day / Build
4.9.14 update released September 14, 2024
New Features:
Interleave - you can now Interleave the warp with another open draft. Also, weft Interleave will be included in the next release. Documentation: Interleave Warp
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed an issue where Arrange Treadles would crash
Fixed a bug where Numeric Warp style switches to Block when changing Rising/Sinking shed
We now trigger an unsaved changes warning after thread thickness changes and you're closing the draft
4.9.1 emergency update released September 1, 2024
New Features:
Add Warp Shift features (left/right/up/down). Allows movement via arrow keys. The default is to wrap. Shift-Arrow button will shift with no wrap.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed issue with ClothSim not launching after previous update 8.4.28
Fixed bug in Amalgamation where one too few threads were copied
Other small bugs fixed
4.8.28 update released August 28, 2024
New Features:
Add Weft Shift features (left/right/up/down). Allows movement via arrow keys. The default is to wrap. Shift-Arrow button will shift with no wrap.
Added new features to Plot on Network Warp. Moved to a panel and added Telescope and Digitize options which will be useful for various Warp Amalgamations.
Tab key will now cycle between Warp, Weft, and Tie-up .
Select All Tool will now Select All threads in Warp, Weft, or Tie-up. CTRL-A is shortcut key.
Copy Drawdown (up to number shafts available) from one draft into threading of another draft.
Bugs Fixed:
When doing Reverse, undo has to be hit twice to return to original.
Cancel button during Application close did not work correctly in some cases.
Fixed issue with some Tie-up operations that didn't work correctly if the shaft and treadle count did not match.
Reed/Raddle spread dialog had an issue with tab order.
Correct label on Project Printout.
Fixed issue where the patch design (used for low background contrast) did not properly show up in Weft when color White was selected from the palette
Significantly Improve Line Draw tool.
Add undo capability after using the diagonal button for the tie-up.
Change word "Ends" to "Picks" on Weft Color Plan (at the total).
Save Warp, Weft, Tie-up Cursor selections.
Currently selected thread box (Warp, Weft, Tie-up) outlined in green. This helps when using functions targeting all threads in the area.
4.6.4 update released June 4, 2024
New Features:
Added new Line Draw Tool
Added several New Diagonal Shift options in Tie-Up
Bugs Fixed:
Disable certain Tie-Up Functions on Design Menu when a Lift Plan was in use.
Select Special - selecting over 1000 threads showed a comma in number
Fixed small bug in print function that was causing Zoom and certain hotkeys to not work after printing.
Changed the cursor to an outline when using the block cursors because you could not easily tell whether the cell is selected or not when it's solid red. This is especially important when working in the tie-up, but also useful in the threading and drawdown.
Made changes to the Print functions to allow printing multiple items without having to call up the Print menu after each one. (print functions stay visible on print menu)
4.4.14 update released April 14, 2024
Bugs Fixed:
Urgent Bug: On some versions of Windows, printing the Project would give an error that the project template file was not found.
4.4.12 update released April 12, 2024
New Features:
Print Project feature is now complete.
A new Reed Chart allows you to View / Print the chart
A new Raddle Chart allows you to View / Print the chart
Bugs Fixed:
Clear Threads did not always work properly in some situations.
Previously, when you highlight warp and do a Shift Up or Down from the Design menu, the area does not remain selected after the action is completed. Now the user could perform the shift several times without having to reselect. If you right click, and select from the pop-up menu, we will clear the selection for you. So depending on your intentions you have both options now.
4.1.14 update released Jan 14, 2024
New Features:
Single Instance of TempoWeave improves performance and reduces resources. Launching a WIF from Explorer now opens in the current running instance of TempoWeave instead of launching a new copy.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed issue where Echo not properly saving colors in some cases.
Other various bugs
Now supports 38,000 weft threads for super large projects.
License Validation Dialog Updates
New Weft Color Plan printout to show counts of weft color changes Weft Color Plan
3.12.21 update released Oct 26, 2023
Bugs Fixed:
Blank Weft Threads in marked area for Section Assembly causes crash on generate.
Typo in the label for PPI on the Drawdown Screen
Other various bugs
License Validation Dialog Updates
3.12.20 update released Aug 24, 2023
New Features:
Added PPI / EPI to the Drawdown Status bar
Added Width in Reed and Woven Length to Drawdown Status Bar
Bugs Fixed:
ExportTT function now includes project INI file for faster loading
Typo in the label for PPI on the Drawdown Screen
Other various bugs
License Validation Dialog Updates
3.12.17 update released June 27, 2023
New Features:
Export to TempoTreadle
Subscription support and License Validation in preparation for Final Beta
Bugs Fixed:
Fix Edit Color on Active Palette
Fix crash when over-select past Weft/Warp Row height boundary
Fix Load weft issue that ignores invalid treadles
Fixed various other small bugs
Fixed Spot Bronson issue on Block Substitution
Moved Layout config to configPath
Weft Length calculations in Project Planning use WIF length if no target finished size or override length is used.
Update About Box
Planning Dimensions - if number of pieces isn't entered, 1 is used; also if the target finished length isn't entered, the estimated current wif finished length is used for the yarn requirements calculations on the Yarn Reqs and Color Information.
3.12.6 update released February 1, 2023
New Features:
Added Licensing management in preparation for full release.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed an issue in Convert to Lift plan whereby weft threads could be missing if there were fewer shafts than treadles and ONLY the high end treadles(shafts) were tied actioned.
Fixed an issue with Fold Double that affected some projects with odd numbered warp threads.
Fixed a crash when comma appears in large-numbered Design Repeats.
Migrated all code to newest framework in preparation for end of beta After converting from Lift plan to Tie-up, turn off Multi-Treadling as default.
Added Color numbers to Valley Mercerized Cottons
Updated new Euroflax Color Name - changed Steel Grey to Periwinkle Grey
Change Operating System target from 32bit to 64bit to improve performance and memory usage. Note: This may create an installation issue with customers that use TempoWeave on older computers. Contact us if this causes you a problem.
2.20.1 update released December 16, 2022
New Features:
Updates to software distribution features in preparation for move from Beta to Release!
Final Beta period set to fully end by April 15.
Bugs Fixed:
Adjusted threading flag on WIF when creating LiftPlan vs Converting to LiftPlan. This fixed a loading bug in certain other weave design software.
Fixed issue with Color Pattern Draw when the color is added before the structure
On M1 Macs when running on Parallels, there was an issue in Recent Files features. New Mac updates have fixed this problem.
Relabel Multi-Pedal Treadle to Multi-Treadle to avoid confusion.
2.19.3 update released September 23, 2022
New Features:
View Structure option is now available on the View menu bar
Bugs Fixed:
Crash when invalid characters in Reorder Treadles
Fixed issue with Color Pattern Draw when the color is added before the structure
New Yarns added to Yarn Catalog
Improvements to Reorder Treadle dialog Give a warning when invalid treadles on Reorder Treadle
Dobby: Improved Cloth rendering while weaving
Dobby: Improved Zoom on Dobby Screen
2.18.2 update released June 19, 2022
New Features:
New Dobby features:
Synchronized Cloth rendered while weaving
Zoom cloth on Dobby Screen
New feature to Repeat Last Pick (forward or reverse)
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed: Crash while editing a color used in Color Assembly
Fixed: Default Black thread gives incorrect warp thread count in some instances
Project Information Dialog enhancements
Wording Change on Color Repeats Warning when Repeats are Zero on Design Repeats
TempoWeave now gives startup warning if Beta or License expired to insure you don't make changes and lose them
2.17.1 update released Mar 15, 2022
Bugs Fixed:
Trap for non-numeric in Color Repeats bug
Clicking in Drawdown when Select Tool sometimes causes an issue
Repeat of a color 72 times doesn't work unless on a group
Convert to Lift Plan Cancel Button did not always work properly
Reducing Shafts or Treadles may not always paint cloth correctly
Adding single Color using Yarn Catalog bug
Trap for Error Message bug
View Shortcut Lost on Quick Render bug
Crash on Section assembly - weft color
Enable Color Assembly - Copy Weft bug
Project Information Dialog enhancements
New Field in Project Information - Sample enhancement
Project Information-Planning-Dimensions - Rearrange enhancement
Comment on Yarn Calc Screen enhancement
2.16.4 update released December 15, 2021
New Features:
Support for blank treadle on non-huck block substitution
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed issue where number of shafts or treadles are reduced, the high warp/weft mark needs to be reset. Fixed issue where Full Screen button on Window menu does not work.
Reordered several items on Project planning screen
2.15.1 update released October 3, 2021
New Features:
Block Substation is in Alpha (pre-beta) and being tested before releasing to beta in a few days.
TempoWeave Application size and position now stays were you had it after last close.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed bug where Recent File history wasn't updated if the file was already in recent history. Now it's moved to the top as expected.
Fixed bug in Remove Thread for WEFT. Color was getting out of sync.
Fixed minor bug in Section Assembly where it would add a section without a group.
Fixed crash in Arrange Treadles if any positions (treadles) were left blank.
Fixed several other minor bugs fixed that had not been reported.
Added feature on color repeats to populate color repeat table from the colors in the warp or weft.
2.14.3 update released September 13, 2021
New Features:
We have totally revamped the Recent File history feature to use a modern Microsoft Office style Open/Save/Print feature set. You now have the ability to PIN often used designs and even Folders for opening or saving your drafts. There are many more features forth coming here, including design preview and browse including an image. (Full documentation is pending update)
Note: Block Substation is in Alpha (pre-beta) and being tested before releasing to beta in a few days.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed issue in Color Pattern Draw feature where in some cases the colors were saved incorrectly and lost.
Fixed issue where the System Settings Dialog ignores Cancel on Folder Browser.
Several other minor bugs fixed that had not been reported.
Improved Section Assembly where the user may forget to put a color in one of the color entries and simply defaults to the first color in the palette. We now initialize the color to BLACK instead of White so that you can see it better
You now have the option to show the Warp and Weft threads in color. Specifically, on the view screen, you can allow selection of a colored non-numeric warp and weft.
When marking threads in Section Assembly we now automatically adjust Section Markers for Insert/Delete thread functions as you would expect it to work.
2.12.8 update released August 1, 2021
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed Close Form Cancel option. When you tried to cancel out of the File Save-As dialog, it would close the WIF without saving. This was fixed to properly cancel the save-as and keep the WIF open.
Fixed issue with Print Warp Winding plan when colors exceeds structure
Fixed - Delete was allowed on right click of a yarn in the Master Yarn lines... that should only have been available on MyYarns.
Fixed - Print Winding did not show last color set when last color set exceeds last structure thread by more than 2 positions.
Fixed - First color in weft yarn was sometimes wrong on hover.
Fixed - Needed to correct Check Keyboard Shortcuts when naming Groups in Section Assembly - Beta Tester reported that using letter "V" (view) in naming sections/groups in Section assembly pops up the View Cloth. We need to also check other keyboard shortcuts.
Fixed - Color change on active palette - When you changed a color by selecting it in the active palette, it did not always map and save properly. It only worked properly if you changed in the color palette instead.
2.12.5 update released July 7, 2021
New Features:
Convert Lift-plan to Tie-up now available
When drawing weft with large numbers of shafts/treadles and at a high zoom, the drawing / insert threads is now very smooth and not jumpy.
Bugs Fixed:
When inserting threads in warp or weft, leave thread blank and do not duplicate the structure
When selecting threads for section assembly in Warp, the selected area was sometimes off by one on some screen resolutions.
2.12.2 update released July 1, 2021
Bugs Fixed:
Section Assembly - copy thread thickness when assembling section.
Fixed Copy & Paste Color bar sometimes off by 1
Fixed Section Assembly Marker off by one thread on some computer display configurations
Fixed Shift-Del hotkey didn't work when scrolled Fixed Color Swap from section assembly would crash in some instances
2.12.1 update released June 6, 2021
Note: If you are having issues with installation, please see this:
New Features:
Automatic TempoWeave application updates. Instead of emailing application updates, TempoWeave will now automatically let you know when a new software update is available. This will help insure you're always running on the latest release. You will have the ability to pause updates or change the schedule of the update check if you like. This should also improve issues that some customers have with antivirus warnings during the installation process.
Warp and Weft selections can now be cancelled using ESC key.
Section Assembly - copy thread thickness when assembling section.
Improved TempoWeave startup time including an instant splash screen.
Improved the Active color palette including auto-updating the devider between the Active Palette and the main Color Palette.
Projects Dialog - Added Finished Estimate width and length Improved design repeats function.
Tieup - changed the tieup shift functions to wrap by default. Holding Shift key during Shift operation will still do shift without wrap.
Warp and Weft selections will now persist while scrolling through the drawdown.
Color repeats now has an insert function.
Improved function of the Warp and Weft repeat tool.
Moved Prepare Threading feature to the Dobby menu area.
Warp Spread dialog box no longer closes immediately after each spread.
In Design Repeats and Quick Repeats, we now automatically uncheck the box for warp and weft after clicking apply to end potential confusion.
Color Repeats will now show the total repeats in the editor.
Arrange Treadles tool has new labels for better clarity.
Added a Cancel button to section assembly section editor.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed bug causing WEFT colors applied with Color Repeat that would sometimes not save properly.
Fixed various bugs in Dobby controller.
Fixed a bug with Selection INSERT.
Fixed a display issue in Cloth View for tubular double weave.
Fixed an issue in Weft Repeat where a crash would happen above 999 repeats when a comma was in the repeats box.
Fixed a bug in section assembly section editor that could cause a crash if you blank the sections and use the X to close the dialog instead of OK Button.
2.10.9 update released Apr 18, 2021
New Features:
Color Replace is named Color Repeats with expanded capabilities including number of repeats per color, mirroring color repeats, ratio distributions, fibonacci support, starting and ending areas for color repeats.
For Liftplan - new feature to change face, reversing all the selected shafts when using a liftplan. If no selection is made, change face on all. Note that selections need not cover all the shafts.
Dobby - Added support for dobby looms. Initial release only supports the Louet classic Dobby (Magic, Megado, Octado) as well as Dobby 2.0 (Megado). Other loom drivers are on our roadmap. The next release will included several more dobby control options.
Section Assembly - copy thread thickness when assembling section.
Convert to LiftPlan no longer forces rename: When clicking convert to liftplan and the tie-up is empty or has a direct tie-up, we no longer prompt to save before appending the "-LP".
Design Repeats now has a checkbox to allow including thread thickness.
Clothview save image feature will now default saved image to "JPG" file.
Print Tieup option is now improved and makes better use of paper size.
Remove Color Replace Icon on Yarn Catalog as this was confusing customers who simply wanted to replace the palette. The ability to replace a single color is till available by right-click on color in the catalog after first selecting the color item in the palette you would like to replace.
changed 3D shadow to light gray for better clarity
Bugs Fixed:
removed html attributes when over on Close button
in some cases the hover text over a color was not correct after a color replace or color repeat.
remove extraneous label on Project Setup dialog.
2.9.58 update released Feb 07, 2021
New Features:
Thread Thickness - You can now edit thread thickness as well as apply advanced repeat patterns. Special Render Thickness button can be used to view until this feature is added to standard clothview and clothsim (coming in next update)
Added computer system information and support button on Help | About to make it easier and quicker to send support information.
Added file path and name to print headers
Updated Yarn Colors including Wasabi
Automatically switch to straight draw tool after selecting color palette
Keyboard Shortcut "V" for View (clothview)
Keyboard Shortcut "M" for marking a section for Section Assembly
Enable Up/Down arrow when using keyboard on WEFT.
When entering Weft threads by keyboard, allow same same thread entry when set for multi-pedal. Also ENTER key moves down one row.
Changed Save-AS logic when saving from an existing wif to use the current directory of the WIF that's currently loaded
Bugs Fixed:
fix bug related to splashscreen when using double weave or double cloth
Fixed Print Winding header/footer issue
Fixed - If you select a yarn line from yarn catalog and click the add, you get the "are you sure" message. If you click no, it removes but doesn't add.
Fixed - Hitting Cancel when prompted for a Save on "Go" in Wif Assembly causes crash Crash
Fixed - Inserting thread a right most position of warp causes crash in some situations.
Fixed - Undo on Tromp as Writ now will undo the Color that was added to Weft threads
2.9.51 update released Jan 07, 20201
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed issue when clicking a single thread (without drawing) causes two threads to be added. This was introduced in the new free draw smoothing feature.
2.9.45 update released Jan 03, 20201
New Features:
Export and Import of MyYarns in Yarn Catalog
Color Swap - New selection to allow to only perform for warp or weft
Free draw option now works much more smoothly
Added option to print header cloth, warp, weft.
Improved layout of warp On clothsim: crop image to proper dimension using shortest dimension
Warp Spread now also works on Liftplans
Warn user if unsaved changes to MyYarns
Reports: Allow selection of date and file name to be excluded in printouts
Arrange Treadles now works for Liftplans Improve readability of threading printout
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed UNDO for Mirror functions
Clear on Tie-Up clearing entire tieup after copy and paste of color
Using Create Double Cloth feature and then not saving the draft still updates EPI in the source WIF
Print Warp Sequence Total now only appears on last page
2.9.41 update released Dec 20, 2020
New Features:
Added warning on Arrange Treadles for Liftplan
Section Assembly - automatic updates now occur without having to hit refresh button
Change color category Add Selection dialog
Bugs Fixed:
Copy Warp in Section Assembly crashes it you don't first do a refresh
Section Assembly Rename Issue in Weft
Select Special when at Zoom level 9 or 10 needed tuning
Using select special does not allow you to do a copy. Nothing is in the clipboard
When you change from front to back view on Cloth View, keep the same zoom level
2.9.39 update released Dec 13, 2020
New Features:
Implemented Flip Weft (horizontal)
Implemented Arrange Treadles (supports tie-up only, liftplan support in next release)
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed Print Winding after insert thread
Fixed Color Picker on Insert Thread in Warp
Fixed bug in Warp Color selection when scrolled horizontally
Fixed Cloth View so that when you change from front to back, keeps the same zoom level
Fixed Color Picker on My Yarns does not work if color has empty value
Fixed crash on color swap in certain situations.
Fixed issue where you can't rename Weft groups in section assembly
2.9.36 update released Dec 6, 2020
This release fixes several issues reported during the last three months and adds several new features and improvements.
New Features:
Print Treadling has been improved to auto-size with multiple columns if there is room
Added ability to set Default Save location for new WIF's
Added Numeric Tieup/Warp/Weft default in System Settings
Warp / Weft Reverse functions now include thread color
Weft Flip function added (Flip Horizontal)
Changed Max Warp/Weft from 40 to 64
Echo feature now has undo capability
Ctrl+ and Ctrl- now also works with Ctrl_ and Ctrl= (needed for some keyboards)
Insert and Delete keys can now be used to insert color in warp and weft. On a Mac, Fn-Enter is insert.
Zoom features should now work on keyboard number pad
Zoom with Scroll Wheel now also works for Shift Scroll and Ctrl Scroll (as in CAD's)
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed crash on Tieup undo that occured in some instances
Fixed bug causing Shaft and Treadle settings not to be saved if you select another tab before saving
Fixed bug in Warp/Weft Color selection undo which could erase the Warp/Weft threads as well as color
Made a change which should help some that are having problems Cloth Sim
Fixed bug in Weft paste if there were multiple treadles
Fixed bug in Print Winding where black threads at the very end were not included if the warp thread count was less than 150.
Fixed bug in Color Swap that affected the Color Name on hover
Fixed typo in menu reading Shalfts to Shafts
...other minor unreported bugs fixed.
2.9.23 update released November 8, 2020
This release fixes several issues reported during the last three months and adds several new features and improvements.
New Features:
Repeats: Advancing/Decreasing Warp and Weft repeats with step option
Convert to lifeplan now works on new WIF's without making you save first
Rainbow cursor when multi Color Draw is enabled
CTRL-+ and CTRL-- now works in Cloth View like it does in drawdown
Bugs Fixed:
In Project Information dialog, change Color Info column header from "Yardage" to "Amount" when Metric UOM set
Fixed Cloth Sim load issue when Windows username contains a space or special character
Fixed Cloth View double cloth options
Fixed bug in paste to weft from warp
Fixed bug in copy/paste on Weft with vertical scroll
Fixed pattern presets for network drafting lift-plan
In Default Settings, force the treadles be equal to the shafts when lift-plan is set
Fixed bug in Tie-up Invert function
Fixed Section Marker flashing issue on slower computers
Fixed an issue in Color Replace when colors were blanked
Changed default Quick Repeat to 0 repeats instead of 1 so that current cloth size is reflected with no repeats
Fixed bug in the way thread spacing was read and saved (only relevant if saving WIF's created in other weave design packages
2.9.9 update released September 28, 2020
This release fixes several issues reported during the last three months and adds several new features and improvements.
New Features:
Cloth Viewer. This is a new flat view of finished cloth that shows the entire cloth. In a future release we will include support for double-cloth and double-weave similar to what we have in Cloth Sim 3D view
Yardage calculation by thread color added to Color Info tab in Project Information
Added warning before replace Color Assembly entries with Warp/Weft
Repeat Warp / Weft options now on menu and separated
Warp/Weft reverse now works on all threads if nothing selected
Simplified Design Repeats option: Quick Repeat / Warp Repeat / Weft Repeat on separate tabs
Addressed Color Palette tooltip flicker when hovering with mouse on some computers
Changed Section Assembly temp name to utilize same folder and naming scheme as master WIF with default to "_assembly.wif" appended.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed Mirror on weft
Fixed issues in Clear Palette
Fixed issues in Color Swap
Fixed AddTabby when leading with the tabby pick
Other smaller bugs fixed.
2.8.6 update released August 30, 2020
New Features:
Network Drafting - support for warp and weft design lines, plotting on predefined or custom networks; support for lift plan "cut and paste" ribbons with pattern presets
Color Swap (replace all occurrences of a color in a WIF with another)
Color Pattern Draw (select a color sequence and draw it on warp or weft)
Many Project Calculations enhancements
Added Color Picker for the MyYarn Catalog
Tie-Up: Diagonal (twill) repeats at selected intervals
Mirror, Reverse, Invert Warp, Mirror for Weft
Grid Overlay settings saves to project wif
Customizable Quick Access Toolbar - You can now save your favorite menu options to the quick access toolbar.
New easier Active window selector (for switching between multiple WIFs)
Tie-up operations with Right-click
Make Tie-up operations work on all threads if nothing selected.
Added Supreme 8-2 Colors to deployed Yarn Catalog
Bugs Fixed:
fixed undo option for Quick Repeat
fixed bug in Calc Total Weft Required if there was no override
Improved warp color selection when zoom level below 7 (zoomed out)
Do not clear color selections on color replace panel on open/close
fix bug in Copy & Paste where the second paste would not work in some situations
Allow Warp Spread dialog to remain open until finished with all spreads.
2.5.7 update released May 30, 2020
Bug Fixed:
Deployed yarn catalog file that was mistakenly left out of previous release
2.5.6 update released May 30, 2020
New Features:
Added Sley Pattern Calculator
Added MyYarns Catalog
Added TempoWeave Color Names to custom WIF section
Added color name and Yarn Line option to palette
Added context menu to Yarn Catalog and MyYarns
Added Menu options for Tie-up and Warp manipulations (Weft coming)
Enabled color lookup in active palette
Improved warp color sequence report to show yarn line color names if they exist
Added planning calculator to Project dialog
Added planning Targets & Drivers to Project dialog
Added color names to Weave Assembly
Added project color information list
Added ability ro render Double Cloth and Tubular Cloth in Cloth Sim viewer
Improved Cloth Sim for single layer cloth
Added Print Threading, Treadling and Tieup
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed Weave Assembly edit
Fixed bug where WIF would not load if there were no treadles or threads defined
Fixed crash on tieup rotate
Fixed Copy to Palette
Fixed small bug in Rotate right 90 and Reverse in Tieup menu
Improved selection box
Adjusted warp reverse and invert to better respect horizontal scroll
Fixed warp shift left/right
Fixed bug in Weave Assembly where a blank color could cause a crash
Added warning when deleting yarns from the yarn catalog
2.3.6 update released
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed a critical bug that would cause TempoWeave to crash on startup if you had your default number of shafts set to less than 6. This only occurred if was the Default Shafts setting.
2.3.5 update released
New Features:
Create Double Cloth
fold left, fold right and tubular
TBBT, BTTB, or custom pattern single shuttle
New ClothSim Visualizations
Double-Cloth visualizations fully supported
next release will support visualization of double-weave
next release will optimize a best-fit cloth section for viewing
implemented WIF Version history feature
Added Rotate Draft to augment Turn Draft
Tie-Up right-click for context menu
Change Face
Rotate Right 90 degrees
shift left, right, up, down
Now support copying Warp, Weft, and Tie-Up to a different WIF using clipboard
Added Clear Palette function which clears the color palette of all colors not being used (active color palette)
New palette color editor
next release will allow you to custom name
Early Preview Features:
Yarn DB (colors only this release)
Amalgamation (copy cloth region to warp)
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed turn draft for differing shaft/treadle counts
Fixed twa (TempoWeave Archive) structure to allow renaming of .twa files
Fixed bug in liftplan that caused newly added shafts to not work
Fixed palette RGB values shown on hover
Fixed many smaller bugs not listed here
2.1.6 update released
Initial release of Double-Cloth settings and visualization. More information coming soon to documentation.
Early support for Double-Weave added - new support and visualizations being added in next release
Corrected disabled Project dialog
Project Sizing information in Project Dialog updated. Many more options will be added here in next release.
Updated Winding Plan to include cumulative ends. Clarified column headings.
Can now press DEL key in Section Assembly to delete a section
2.0.5 update released
Winding Plan now shows color pairs.
Added thread count in status area when selecting a region.
Updated winding plant to show double color Color-Distance match algorithm in winding plan.
Project Sizing information in Project Dialog.
1.8.0 update released
Added Point Draw option. Added new feature called Warp Spreader. Changes to palette colors are now synced with use of those colors in Section Assembly. 1.7.6 update released: Menu's slightly rearranged. New warp mirror option on Design Repeat. New winding plan option with color repeats under Project menu.
1.6.8 update released
Updated section assembly. Now includes include weft color assembly to complete the basic section assembly feature.
1.6.7 update released
Updated section assembly. Added default Order to warp, weft and warp color. Closed the section assembly panel on program launch which was accidentally left open in 1.6.6. The next update will include weft color assembly to complete the section assembly feature.
1.6.6 update released
There has been some confusion regarding the previous release of TempoWeave. The latest 1.6.6 release of TempoWeave should install and run as either 32bit or 64bit depending on what your computer support. This release also contains updates for Section Assembly and Warp Color assembly. Weft color is coming next along with some videos on how to use it!
Last updated
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