Tie-Up Actions
Select and Transform
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Select and Transform
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To use the tie-up actions, first select the area in the tie-up to be modified. The selection tool can be used to select a region of the tie-up or the entire tie-up. A short cut when selecting the entire tie-up is to use ctrl-A with your cursor anywhere in the tie-up box.
Either the options via the design menu or right click can be used. In the following example, a region within the tie-up is selected and the right click options are shown. The selection region will remain selected so that repeated actions can be made without needing to reselect the region.
For the selected rectange (original)
Clear - all tie-up entries are cleared in the selected region
Change Face - selected numbers are cleared, non-selected are entered:
Invert - rows are inverted such that top row is moved to the bottom, next to top to the second from bottom, etc.
Reverse - in thie action, the 4th column of the selected region becomes the 1st, the 3rd column the 2nd, the 2nd column the third, and the 1st column the fourth. If this action is taken twice, the second time it returns to the original.
Shift Right - everything in the selection is shifted right by one column with wrap. If you hold down the shift key while performing this action, the wrap action is turned off and as columns shift, they will become blank.
The fourth shift rigth returns to the original before shift.
Shift Left - this is exactly like Shift Right, except that the shifting goes to the left. As tihe Shift Right, the columns in the selected region shift and wrap. If the shift key is held down when this option is selected, no wrap will occur.
Shift Up - this option shifts the bottom row of the selected region up by one row on each click of Shift Up. As with the other options, the region remains selected so that shift up can be selected again. Also, as with the other options, the shift up action wraps such taht the top most row becomes the bottom row with each shift up. If the Shift Key is held while performing this action, no wrap occurs.
Shift Down - exactly like shift up except that each row in the selected region goes down one row at a time, wrapping back to the top of the region unless the shift key is held down when selecting shift down.
Note that there are additional tie-up transformation tools on the Design menu. See Tie-Up for more features involving copying by step values to other treadles.