Creating, Saving and Naming Files

FILE | New

File New opens a new weaving design window using the number of shafts, treadles (or liftplan) as defined in Settings. The number of shafts, treadles, tie-up or liftplan and view options may be changed in the Project Menu.

It is recommended that you save your new file soon (see Save As) before starting to invest time in your new design.

File | Save

Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl-S

File Save will save the changes in the current design window. The short cut, CTRL-S, does the same thing as FILE | SAVE. It is recommended to save frequently when doing a significant amount of design work. A message shows towards the bottom of the screen that your file was saved.

File | Save As

Use the File | Save As option to copy the current WIF file under another name and/or folder.

It’s important to note that when you do a SAVE AS, you are immediately working under the new (save as) name. Any changes made since the last time you did a SAVE (under the prior name) will not be saved to the previous file name, but instead will be saved under the new name indicated on “Save As”.

If the file name you select for your new file already exists, you will be given the option to overwrite (replace) the existing file or to cancel.

It’s helpful to organize your projects by folders. You may want to group weaving projects by end item, such as scarves, table linens, rugs, yardage, or by year, weave construction or anything that helps you organize. Within those category folders, you can further add subfolders as needed. You may find it helpful to create a folder for each of your weaving projects. Within that folder, it is helpful to save the weaving design file as other documents and images related to the project. If you aren’t familiar with file explorer in Windows or Finder on the Mac, it’s helpful to learn to navigate through the file system so that you can stay organized and always know where your designs are saved.

The Save As function defaults to the directory that was last used for a save to open a new design. Use Browse or Recent Folders to locate a different folder

After Saving a draft, a green banner will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming the save is completed. Some keyboard shortcuts and actions will not work until that green save banner disappears.

File Names

File Names that you give your draft are saved in your file system and must abide by rules for your computer's operating system; those rules likely include avoiding these special characters: comma ",", front and backslash "/", "\", period ".", question mark "?" and asterisk "*". The file extensions will default and TempoWeave will create two physical files when your project is saved. For more information about file names and extensions, see File Types used by TempoWeave.

Creating a New Design from an Existing One

Sometimes it’s helpful to start a new design from an existing one. To do this, open the existing design and use File | Save As to generate a new name. Do this before making changes to protect the original design from unintended changes.

Last updated

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