Screen Navigation
In this section we show how you can navigate around the design area.
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In this section we show how you can navigate around the design area.
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The mouse (or tracking pad) and keyboard are used extensively when creating weaving designs. Menus at the top of the screen are clicked to reveal options. Certain frequently used options have keyboard shortcuts as noted in this documentation.
Warp threads are defined horizontally under the menus. A color bar runs over the threading draft to indicate color of each warp thread. By default, the initial warp threads are black. Weft threads run vertically and have a default color of white. The tie-up section is to the right of the warp threads and over the weft threads.
A color palette is at the right of the design. The color palette can be hidden (auto-hide) by clicking the push pin icon:
Once hidden, the palette can be expanded by clicking the palette tab:
Colors that have been used within the current session are shown at the top of the palette. Available colors within the palette are below the 3-dot divider. The divider can be dragged to reposition if necessary. More information on managing colors and palettes is in section on Managing Color.
Certain menu options open a panel` where additional options are available for selection. An example of the Design Copy+ is shown below. Options can be selected and applied with the "apply" button. When finished, close the panel by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner or the "close" button at the bottom.
A cursor is used on certain function to establish a current position that will be used to change, remove or add threads. To reposition the cursor, either left click at the desired location or use the arrow keys. Holding the shift key while using the arrow keys will move the cursor faster, skipping several rows or columsn at a time. The cursor can be in the warp thread area, warp color, weft thread, weft color or the tie-up sections of the design screen. The cursor will only be in one place at a time.
The current cursor location is noted by a light red fill color in the cell of the current cursor location if the last cursor was in the warp, weft or tie-up. When you click into a cell with the mouse, the cursor is set to that location. It’s also possible to move the cursor using the arrow keys.
The picture to the right shows the cursor on warp thread 20, shaft 4 in the threading.
As you move your cursor across the weaving design, the warp and weft thread position will automatically show right above the tie-up as shown in the following picture. This example indicates that the mouse is hovering over warp number 65 and weft pick 5. It’s often helpful when designing to be able to quickly determine the warp or weft position by hovering the pointer over a specific thread.
At the very top of the TempoWeave screen the current file and path is shown. The following snapshot shows the path (folders and subfolders) and the file name of the current WIF. If the WIF has not yet been saved the file name shows as <untitled>.
TempoWeave follows standard windows application structure. Multiple weaving designs can be open at once. The designs can be maximized in the window, cascaded or otherwise arranged so that multiple designs can be seen at once. In the following example two weaving designs are open at once. See the section in the document on menu option “Window” for more information on managing multiple windows.
As weaving designs often have more warp and weft threads than will fit on a screen at any zoom level, use the scroll bars to reposition the screen within the design. Scroll bars appear at the bottom of the screen (to scroll left and right to see more warp threads) and on the right (to see more weft threads).
The picture on the left shows the cursor in the color area of the warp threads; warp thread 20 is highlighted with a yellow rectangle. When the cursor is on one of the color bars (warp or weft), it shows as a yellow rectangle because the solid color can be hard to see on certain colors.