Reed Sley Selection and Calculator
Determine a sleying pattern for your reed
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Determine a sleying pattern for your reed
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The purpose of this tool is to help the weaver find a sleying sequence that works for the reed to approximate the desired Sett. In addition, the reed and sley pattern that is chosen is saved along with your project for future reference.
This function is accessible in two places in TempoWeave. One is on the Tools Menu, the other is in the Project Information | Planning | Setup Screen.
The number corresponding to the dents per inch, or for metric, dents per 10 cm, may be directly typed into the field labeled Reed. Also, the drop down may be used to select from a list of reeds.
Both Imperial and Metric reeds are supported; a Metric reed may be used on a project where the default units are Imperial and visa-versa. The button to the right of the Reed number indicates whether the reed is metric or imperial.
If the drop down beside the Reed number is selected, a list of reeds and common sley patterns is presented. The scroll bar is used to view options for various setts. The Sley pattern has a Zero when dents are to be skipped. Both the ends per inch and ends per centimeter sett numbers are displayed. The UOM is either "I" or "M" for imperial or metric, and is filtered in the drop down based on the selection above of "in" or "10 cm".
In the example above, once the selected record is clicked, the reed size and sley pattern are brought into the project.
To use, first put in density of your reed. In the following example, 10 is entered and the "inch" field is selected to indicate 10 dents per inch.
The usage of this calculator involves trial and error. Put in a pattern and click Calculate. You'll be shown the effective ends per inch and ends per cm. One will typically do this several times, tweaking to get the exact SETT they are looking for.
If a pattern space is left empty, then it ignores the entry. A zero in the entry means that the space is skipped. The calculator assumes that the pattern entered will be repeated;
Another usage of this tool is to calculate the average ends per inch when using the "cram and dent" technique. In the example below, two warp ends are sleyed in a dent, skipping the next, putting 4 ends in the next dent and skipping a dent for an effective 15 epi in a 10-dent reed.
You can also key in a sley pattern and have TempoWeave calculate the sett. When the Calculate button is clicked, TempoWeave will use the Reed you have selected, and use any numbers (including 0 for skipped dents) and show the calculated ends per inch as well as the ends per centimer.
This pattern and reed selection will be saved along with the WIF as a record of your project settings.
Some projects use different size threads or leave spaces in the reed. This calculator is also convenient to calculate and average ends per inch / ends per cm.
The Sett that you define in Project Setup is independent of the calculated sett derived and saved in the Reed Sley Calculator. Be sure that you update the Project Sett on the Project Setup Screen if the sett is changing based on the reed and sley pattern chosen; normally these should be the same. The Project Sett is the value used in calculations throughout TempoWeave.